


2023日循 (福岡)



渡部 徹也

Incidence and Predictors of Asymptomatic Cerebral Infarction Following Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation


Prognostic value of modified ADMIIRE-HF risk score in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillator: a prospective comparative study with 6-minute walk distance

西本 裕二

Effectiveness of Pharmacological Thrombolysis on Outcomes in High-risk Pulmonary Embolism Patients with Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: a Nationwide Inpatient Database Study

Direct Oral Anticoagulants-Associated Bleeding Complications in Patients with Gastrointestinal Cancer and Venous Thromboembolism: From the COMMAND VTE Registry-2

山田 貴久

Long-term Prognostic Value of the Combination of AHEAD Score and Pulmonary-systemic Pressure Ratio in Acute Decompensated Heart Failure Patients

Incremental Prognostic Value of Aortic Pulsatility Index to Malnutrition in Patients Admitted for Acute Decompensated Heart Failure

Long-term Prognostic Value of Afterload Mismatch Index in Patients Admitted with Acute Decompensated Heart Failure

近藤 匠巳

Remote Ischemic Peri-conditioning Suppressed the Augmentation of Cardiac Sympathetic Activity in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Prognostic Impact of Worsening Renal Function After Discharge and Diuretics in Patients with ADHF with Preserved Ejection Fraction ~PURSUIT-HFpEF Registry~






Incidence and Predictors of Asymptomatic Cerebral Infarction Following Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation


Prognostic value of modified ADMIIRE-HF risk score in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillator: a prospective comparative study with 6-minute walk distance


Trends in mechanical circulatory support use and outcomes of patients with cardiogenic shock in Japan, 2010-2020: a nationwide inpatient database study

External validation of PE-SARD bleeding score for early major bleeding in patients with acute pulmonary embolism: Insight from the COMMAND VTE Registry-2


Serum cholinesterase level provides the additional long-time prognostic information over AHEAD risk score in patients with acute decompensated heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.



Remote ischemic peri-conditioning suppressed the activation of cardiac sympathetic nervous system in patients with acute myocardial infarction: a randomized controlled trial

Prognostic impact of improvement in quality of life after discharge in patients with ADHF with preserved ejection fraction regardless of the course of HF -PURSUIT-HFpEF registry.

張 英哲

Long-term prognostic significance modified body mass index in patients with decompensated acute heart failure: Insight from the OPAR study

2023AHA(フィラデルフィア:on line)



山田 貴久

Long-Term Prognostic Value of the Combination of Systemic Immune-Inflammation Index and AHEAD Score and in Patients Admitted for Acute Decompensated Heart Failure

Prognostic Value of Modified Body Mass Index in Acute Decompensated Heart Failure Patients With Reduced, Mildly-Reduced and Preserved Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction

Long-Term Prognostic Value of Afterload Mismatch Index in Acute Decompensated Heart Failure With and Without Reduced Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction

藤田 岳史

Prognostic Impact of Functional Limitations in Acute Decompensated Heart Failure Patients with Reduced and Preserved Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction


  • 1. Nishimoto Y, Ohbe H, Matsui H, Nakajima M, Sasabuchi Y, Sato Y, Watanabe T, Yamada T, Fukunami M, Yasunaga H. Effectiveness of systemic thrombolysis on clinical outcomes in high-risk pulmonary embolism patients with venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: a nationwide inpatient database study. Journal of Intensive Care. 2023;11:4.
  • 2. Nishimoto Y, Ohbe H, Matsui H, Nakajima M, Sasabuchi Y, Sato Y, Watanabe T, Yamada T, Fukunami M, Yasunaga H. Trends in Treatment Patterns and Outcomes of Patients With Pulmonary Embolism in Japan, 2010 to 2020: A Nationwide Inpatient Database Study. Journal of American Heart Association. 2023;12:e028981.
  • 3. Nishimoto Y, Ohbe H, Matsui H, Nakata J, Takiguchi T, Nakajima M, Sasabuchi Y, Sato Y, Watanabe T, Yamada T, Fukunami M, Yasunaga H. Trends in Mechanical Circulatory Support Use and Outcomes of Patients With Cardiogenic Shock in Japan, 2010 to 2020 (from a Nationwide Inpatient Database Study).  American Journal of Cardiology. 2023;203:203-211.
  • 4. Nishimoto Y, Inohara T, Kohsaka S, Sakakura K, Kawai T, Kikuchi A, Watanabe T, Yamada T, Fukunami M, Yamaji K, Ishii H, Amano T, Kozuma K; J-PCI Registry Investigators. Changing Trends in Mechanical Circulatory Support Utilization and Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Interventions for Acute Coronary Syndrome Complicated with Cardiogenic Shock: Insights from a Nationwide Registry in Japan. Journal of American Heart Association. 2023;12:e031838.
  • 5. Seo M, Watanabe T, Yamada T, Yano M, Hayashi T, Nakagawa A, Nakagawa Y, Tamaki S, Yasumura Y, Sotomi Y, Hikoso S, Nakatani D, Fukunami M, Sakata Y; Osaka CardioVascular Conference (OCVC)-Heart Failure investigators. The Clinical Relevance of Quality of Life in Heart Failure Patients with Preserved Ejection Fraction.  ESC Heart Failure. 2023;10:995-1002.
  • 6. Seo M, Watanabe T, Kikuchi A, Shirakawa Y. A Systematic Approach for Transcatheter Mitral Valve Edge-to-edge Repair of Isolated Commissure Prolapse. Echocardiography. 2023;40:427-451.
  • 7. Yoshida M, Seo M, Watanabe T, Matsuoka K, Fushimi H, Shirakawa Y, Yamada T. A Case of Cardiac Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma With Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction. International Heart Journal. 2023;64:779-782.
  • 8. Seo M, Watanabe T, Yamada T, Morita T, Kawasaki M, Kikuchi A, Kondo T, Kawai T, Nishimoto Y, Nakamura J, Fujita T, Tanichi M, Chang Y, Oshita T, Kokubu Y, Fukuda Y, Shimizu K, Kinugawa M, Sakai K, Sakata Y, Fukunami M. The Clinical Relevance of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Acute Heart Failure: A Comparison With Cognitive Impairment. Journal of Cardiology. 2023;23:243-249.
  • 9. Seo M, Kikuchi A, Watanabe T, Yamada T, Shirakawa Y. Intracardiac Echocardiography-guided Transcatheter Edge-to-edge Repair for Mitral Valve. CASE: Cardiovascular Imaging Case Reports. 2023;8:11-15.